The training organization has represented a competitive advantage for businesses, as it can convert the learning of their employees on measurable results for both companies need to understand that training is an investment that requires professional development. Trying to understand the current context and given the demands of teacher Thais, this study shows the real need to develop training programs, primarily the Resource Manager must have that look that detects the need for where we will raise the company's needs, we will know soon how to work the deficiency of the company. The importance of Training and Development makes you be surrounded by benefits, which contributes both to the life of the developer but also the company. Apply training corresponds to seek perfection and greater investment in talent and new discoveries. The T & D assists the strategic area of business, because with the beautiful range of goals. The importance of training workers in the organization's basic requirements needed to compete in the labor market, which in turn is highly competitive, in turn develops skills and disseminates the culture, values, mission, vision, goals the goals of the organization, discusses the organizational climate. The purpose of this work is to adapt our intervention in the realities experienced by businesses and can be modified by means of training and development, generating capacity and improved performance by professionals.
KEYWORDS: Training, Development, Strategy, Organization
Technological change, globalization, changes also took place in companies today are concerned to give the most complete career successes to its employees, we have seen today that the developer is the most precious thing that exists within the company, intellectual capital is develops according to the second giving meaning and vitality of the enterprise needs of its employees.
In this sense many companies seek to apply the training and development to restore organizational development. Applying the training of different kinds in the highlighting job, or training within the company and Job Out The reality training outside the company both happen to help the company and its employees to live change reputable companies focused on technology and given that information is no longer possible to give an undertaking as was administered to 50 years ago in the same way we refer to people management.
Training and development to get results and benefits when implemented and evaluated through feedback and also if there is an interest in wanting to change concepts, when there is a need of wanting to gain skills is open to change and stop being recycled by the Training and Development.
2 Training Needs Survey.
Analysis of company:
The Good service; The hospital staff does not know the people they serve in their day to day is and always will be the main factor of his works performed in their duties. A first training of the professionals that will have people from the institution in order to make the patients feel more cherished moments in which they are ill. But This is only possible with the support of the General Coordination of the State of Amazonas and the direction of the institution. Sure that will end the criticism that has always hear about the care that some people unprepared Unit Mixed Guajará do with patients.
A timecard; such a procedure can minimize the constant delays, which affect the smooth running of the institution.
Motivation; walks a bit away from the employees of the institution. This is the essential factor for physicians, (the main asset of the unit), perform the procedures assigned to them in their respective roles in the Hospital Unit. So everyone can work as a team in search of the desires of the general population.
The constant presence of doctors to attend emergencies in hospitals: they are hired to take care of the population, but there are some who forget or can not due to the large number of contracts that teen. Yet no account comply with the obligations in the unit of Guajará just lose is that people are looking for the hospital to seek improvements to their health.
2.1.1 Analysis of Tasks
Given what appears on the needs above mentioned, we should use as the basis for a good training staff of this hospital is: Service. For it is one of the most important services of the hospital. At once all must pass courses that set consistently and precisely how they should serve their patients, to be references in this city and region in the public health services.
According Milkovich and Boudreau (2000)
"They refer to the importance of the long-term analysis, for instance, what employees need to do with new technologies that will be implemented? With this vision of the future, companies can prevent and prepare to face uncertainty and fierce competition. "
In the case of a joint unit of Guajará considering that the competition is very intense, more should be thinking ahead, they may be deployed private clinics. In this sense, the institution would already be prepared for these and other situations.
2.1.2 Analyze People
It is our understanding that we are not equal in respect of persons, therefore, we must match in terms of interpersonal relationships or when it comes to collective environment. And in the Mixed Unit of Guajará, not all people need training because there are people who know how to deal with the public but others have not. But we always need to improve reporting in our daily activities.
The employees who needed training will be doctors, nurses, nursing technicians and receptionists. Present needs to improve public services and are motivated to practice a profession since the item does not affect wage categories.
The training will be provided for 80 people, considering that by the end of the year the government had not opened more spaces for the health department.
Need presented by the time chosen will be the month of December 2010 to start in 2011 already trained to reverse the situation in the short term, since the complaint and the image of One is negative. For activities during the training will be offered work in teams.
Sort Needs 2.2.1 The Content
As for knowledge, communication was chosen in the question information and insight where we can convey an idea by means of logical virtual or physical. As for skills not fail to emphasize communication and practice. No item will develop attitudes and self-analysis to highlight the positive and negative attitudes predisposed. Conviction for establishing the firm conviction that change with new attitudes to improve performance and promote greater happiness. Compulsion where the virtual stage coach is motivation to promote continued success. Conversion to a change of attitude is sufficiently entrenched and appear immediately on the occurrence of a stimulus.
2.2.2 Method for Electing the need for each T & D
To improve self-service method is the best training Out The job, or outside the workplace. To develop this instructor lectures with highly skilled in managing hospital where they broadcast such content. In addition to the focus will also motivate them to exercise the function. Simulations and role plays will apply also to be perceived disability and that the possibility of changing for the better.
2.2.3 Documenting Training Events
Lesson Plan
08:00 Reception / Group Integration Group
08:15 Welcome and Training Objectives
08:50 SUS Quality of Care
10:10 Coffee Break
10:40 Integration Group to give suggestions to quality care.
11:50 Video phone service
12:30 Lunch and Notices
14:00 excellence in patient care
15:00 Regional Survey data indifferences and poor service in the Local Unit
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Simulation and dramatization of neglect and poor service
Speakers 17:00
18:10 Closure
2.2.4 Schedule of Training Events
For the mixed unit of health since it is a job Out The training will take place on the following realities date available: 03/12 and 29/12 for the first evaluation day was tapped to analyze the content associated with the practice.
2.2.5 Identify the Internal and External Resources to be Mobilized
The training will be conducted by Manager Carlos Luciano Ribeiro, graduated in Hospital Management and specializing in public management. Devoted the day he chose to implement dynamic content and related care SUS.
The training servers to be implemented in health SENAI AC and occupy a room and other audiovisual resources for a day.
2.2.6 Budgeting Investments
The cost to promote the event will be 2200.00 which will include passages from the Old Port Manager 800.00 RO - Guajará AM roundtrip. 01 monitor, servants who will be seconded by the Secretary of Health
Equipment to be used data show, speakers, wireless microphone and 01 other wired rent 600.00
Coffee break one by the morning and another in the afternoon value of the service contracted by the restaurant Neapolitan 550.00
Room for the Event containing 02 air conditioning and water value of 800.00 included energy expenditures.
Spent with papers, pens courseware 250.00
2.2.7 Submit the Training Plan - Obtaining Approval
The presentation of the plan was submitted to the health department along with the lesson plan. And as was approved release of funds.
From the implementation of the training program, and fundamental relationship between teacher and learner, since the contact between them becomes daily from the beginning of training. When implementing a training program, it is an activity where the competent instructor, able to transmit the knowledge, conducts training to the learner. His execution has to depend on certain factors related to adequacy of the company's needs and the trainees, as well as the material used in training is appropriate, or qualified, and cooperation by the leaders of the company, the skills of instructors, and quality of apprentices.
Many companies have a career plan, which defines in advance the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for each position, the times that they should be eligible for a promotion and assignment of new responsibilities. This plan practically defines the career training program for employees contained therein.
As such, the training program implemented in the Joint Health Unit Guajara, as had some of the topics among others, the following.
Receipt of the group the group was interacted, all motivated and with good prospects regarding the proposed training. All participants had interest and acceptance, and a good relationship among all.
Welcome and objectives of the training - the group generally demonstrated good acceptance and approval to the objectives of the training, by having the focus on eliminating the problem that was happening to poor service to the public, demand that the institution, and enable them to future changes in the institution.
For a better understanding of the content on the implementation of the training program, we always seek to address content and materials to affect that would sink the greatest difficulty of our employees and be able to solve many problems, such as service to the public.
The intent of the program implementation in the organization, and apply techniques for collecting material, but also more specialized in the drilling of intramuscular veins, as has been one of the biggest complaints from the public passing by the institution, through training and empowering employees or employees better prepared and trained to overcome these difficulties in day-to-day.
2.3.1 Evaluation of Training Results
The techniques implemented in the program were well executed by the students successfully in activities, good absorption and understanding of the issues addressed. With respect to the training material collection and perforation of veins intramuscular proposed, there were changes in the behavior of employees, where all had efforts, and initiated the implementation of activities favoring the public and the needs of people who need the care of these employees, as expected.
Therefore, the evaluation of the efficiency of the training program and an extremely important step because it determines how far he has produced desired changes in employee behavior and checks whether the results are related to the achievement of company goals.
Thus the goals of the Mixed Unit Guajará-AM had in achieving the same desired look, capacity building and training of its employees to an issue outlined here, obviously, other goals and challenges are yet to be achieved, and improved, but through these training programs is still much can be done to improve the goals of the Unit.
Normally the evaluation of the results of the training takes place on four levels, namely, assessing the reaction, learning, behavior, and the result obtained (Milione, 1999: Böhland: SNELL; SHERMAN, 2003).
Therefore the training and development behind this peculiar feature of giving a new perspective on working and living the new company. For companies the T & D is a series of opportunities to enrich the daily lives of the employee and also the company. The change involves the entire company goes through the Human Resources area, where it is the responsibility of the Human Resources Manager to seek a vision that identifies the periods and the need to bring to apply a training course that helped develop the gift of talent that exists in the developer and thus also help improve internal and external relationships, changing attitudes, developing concepts, develop new skills among others. The manager of Human Resources that there is need to raise the company's need to know about it and develop great ideas and empower organizational development.
Understanding the Training and Development is stuck him and be part of it and let it be shaped by the dynamics that will lead us to do and give the best in us. So we will assume that the new feature is one of the training and development, because we are always evolving.
Para trazer experiência e motivação para os interesses de todos os profissionais de Recursos Humanos
quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011
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Aslan Almeida Filho
- Aslan Filho
- toronto, Acre, Brazil
- Uma pessoa simpática; gosto de fazer amizades; Fazer contatos profissionais. Superior em Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Atuando como Gerente Administrativo na Concessionária Yamaha. Motivador na Gestão de Pessoas. Planejamento estratégico e Orçamentário. Atribuições extracurriculares: ** Consultor em RH ** Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal ** Auditoria em RH ** Planejamento Estratégico ORganizacional ** Programador 5S
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