quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

experiential techniques and games

In the world we live in, we need to acquire technical forms of good relationships with people that we interact in our daily lives.
Man can not live in isolation alone, abandoned except in characteristic abnormal sick and weird. The man is a permeable it can acquire new knowledge and personal relationships, because all human existence is devoid of a network of relationships. People are unique deferential, full of values and beliefs, habits and customs that just characterizing them.
In the role of companies is human resources manager know the experience of team work and learn to identify the developmental stages of groups, how to work the conflicts that happen casually in the workplace.
Is a group of two or more persons who are engaged in social interaction, have a stable pattern of relationship between themselves and strive for a common goal. Cooper & Rothmann, 2009
Thus we seek to meet the requests of the teacher in order to meet Marilúcia deepen knowledge about the use of dynamic games and experiential techniques in organizations.


Team chosen religious group Popular Missions
At what stage the group is, the group is being opened, featuring a personal behavior or not loved by has the same importance.
Will Schutz (1978 apud Moscovici, 1999) states that regardless of the nature of the group, be it educational, religious, among others, goes through different stages in their development process. As the group consists of several people, a subject throughout his life, will incorporate several significant figures in his environment, he in turn also exerts influence over others in the group. Thus, a person and a group should meet his demands external, internal, emotional, interpersonal, and all those that are related to the achievement of its objectives.
After the run-in phase, in which its members have met their initial space starts growing concern for the distribution of power, the decisions and controlling the activities of others. They appear, then, disagreements and discussions about goals and means, operation of the group, the standard of conduct, competition for leadership. People need, differentiated control, influence and responsibility, and seek to satisfy them in the group (Moscovici, 1999).
At what stage the group is, the group is being opened, featuring a personal behavior or not loved by has the same importance.
The group began to realize the phase change from the time that there was interaction and openness, knowledge, confidence, dynamism, such perceptions were causing people to lose the fear and shyness.
There is leadership in the group? If there is how the group reacts to the leader?
Yes there is leadership, the group responds in a friendly way, as the democratic leader who knows how to listen to people, you know decentralize, motivate and lead the group for meeting goals and objectives.

What are the elements of group process that the team can identify?
• Live in community
• Have their own identity,
• Have culture
• Good relationship
• The group's strength,
• Presents a leader,
• Integration of ideas to develop strategies,
• Interactivity.

Realized that the group can identify the following elements that constitute the group process:
• Cohesion: They realize that there is a sum of forces, as has happened many difficult times, it was necessary to join and add strength to succeed in overcoming the difficulty.
• Roles: The group realizes that each person has a role, a value that characterizes him as he explained the role each person is determined by the degree of knowledge, agility, skills.
List the responsibilities of group members:
• Leader
• Secretary
• Articulator
• Treasurer
• Marketers


Regarding the behavior of people in a working environment, for example, it is a challenging task. The human being is considered unique and complex, and each person has their individual behavior, their way, but when they meet in groups, attitudes tend to change themselves.
In andragogy, used as the method that teaches adults discovery of ancient Greece, where Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle used it, adults and teens taught in small groups, using an interactive methodology.
Thus, the aims of andragogy through the teaching-learning process, exploring the experience. The primary importance is not in the content taught, but the reference schemes of the learner. During the process, the focus is to foster interactivity, the exchange ratio, communication, interaction during the connection between them, with the teacher and learner.
The experiential learning cycle consists of a four-step sequential and interdependent activity, analysis, conceptualization and connection (Moscovici, 1997).
In the stage of experience, it is thought, the beginning of the cycle, this step is applied at the activity group, can be a behavioral simulation, games and exercises for building, communication, leadership, drama, or solving a problem .
In the analysis stage, it is a broad review and discussion of activities, is a critical analysis of results and the process of how to achieve them. Participants speak, share what they saw and felt during the events.
In concept is a step that allows awareness of personal issues, interpersonal and group, leading to significant learning related to life experiences of each component, it is necessary to organize the ideas and seek help with the meaning of concepts illuminating.
In step connection, it is time to make a correlation with the real facts, and comparing the behavioral aspects noted in the group, shared feelings with daily life, with the practical situations of work and life in general. This phase is taken as the final stage of group discussions, and what was planned for that activity and situation.
Each individual fulfills several roles in real life. Their personality traits mingle external variables in the performance of each role, giving this a colorful or "branded" totally natural. The human being is characterized by its identity as name, address, affiliation, etc.., And the roles he plays as father, mother, professional, friend, brother, etc.. As well as by characteristics that are pronounced exactly the performance of roles throughout their lives.
The mere gathering of people in order to pursue any goal group is a group dynamic. Dynamis of Greek origin, has the meaning of strength, energy, action.
Every activity that develops in the group, which aims to integrate, disinhibit "break the ice, entertain, reflect, learn, perform, promote awareness, start learning, competing and heat, may be called group dynamics.

2.1.1 The Phases of Development of Groups

There are many types of groups exist in this universe of works which have the common objective of developing people.
Let us know some kind of group, institutional, which aims to act in institutions, teaching-learning process, the goal of "learning to learn"
Community aim to integrate and facilitate the positive capacities of the individual the best example of the type of this group is its growing application in health programs focused on mental health, therapeutic treatment groups operating primarily aimed at improving the situation of pathology of some individuals the most used in this type of group is known as self-help groups or mutual aid.
Stage Inclusion: Considered the initial phase, as occurs whenever someone enters or new group, is a structuring phase of the formative and experimental group
Phase Control: Characterized by the need that people have to reveal their knowledge, competence, and affirming in the group. Everyone is groping for a place to exercise a role that satisfies their need to control, influence and responsibility.
Opening Stage: It is marked by affection, people know each other, relate and which has defined the affinities between people.

2.1.2 Behaviors and Conflict in Groups

There are many definitions of conflict. Despite the different meanings that the term did buy several common themes permeating the majority of settings. The conflict must be perceived by the parties involved, whether or not the conflict is a matter of perception.
Conflict, therefore, can be defined as the process which begins when one party perceives the other party affect, and may negatively affect, something she considers important.
Look inwards to see himself with really is necessarily an act of courage and maturity. This courage spoken of, not only relates to that which springs up in time to confront or escape of material things, but her courage on the internal threats.


Generally businesses face turbulent times in most cases the jobs that are run by groups of people. Thus the process of training and development groups is gaining strength even configure achieve their goals. For whenever we talk together, we are referring to a group of people around a common goal. Its appearance is mobilized by a desire to exist to fulfill a particular purpose, even if he stays alive indefinitely. As obvious as this sounds, every time a group or an organization (be it large or small) is in crisis discovers that much of their problems are incorporated in this group is little awareness about its real purpose or intentions.

2.2.1 Institutionalization Process: How it happens?

Initially this topic, points out that everyday life is marked by group life. The establishment of institutionalized rules is what makes us get along with others, is what keeps a society running.

2.2.2 Working with Groups

The development of these groups in social organization and its expansion, while participation and representation and retrieval, such as in the context of collective organization, is setting out to deeper relationship to be maintained with these leaders. Disagree with Santos' initial contact as a community or group, when the relationship is not mediated by an institution or a project or a predetermined program can be facilitated by various forms. "
To conclude reato removed from our book, "The family will always be based on a society and especially of human beings in their neighborhood group and the constitution of their attitudes as an individual."


It is important that the coordinator of planning their activities. Planning is draw up a plan or roadmap set design guidelines. What to do. Who will do. For. When. As will be done. Why do.
It is necessary to the coordinator, facilitator have some different roles during the crucial process of applying a dynamic or game:
• Have clarity of what is objectively with the task;
• Plan activities;
• Provide all necessary resources for implementation of activity: local and material;
• Have the technical skills to lead;
• Work with conjunction with the observer;
• Manages the skills to be developed properly.


Completing the theme, we realize the great need to live in community, for the good performance of our activities in this field of human relationships, all must assume their responsibilities. In this formative process of responsibility is necessary for performance to be in a group or team, it is necessary that the roles are played with much enthusiasm and determination. The human maturity is always a process in personality and human growth. Therefore the process of group interaction determined by the rules that aims to determine the success of the team.
The manager of human resources it can to know the immense responsibility to identify and remedy existing deficiencies in the company through the dynamics applied to day to day, and apply correctly in recruitment and personnel selection. Today the Human Resources Manager need to choose the best profile to achieve success for both, both the employee polishes his talent by improving technical knowledge, as the company becomes a great place to work, since they all work towards a single objective success and healthy and learn to respond to opportunities provided by the clients.

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Aslan Almeida Filho

Minha foto
toronto, Acre, Brazil
Uma pessoa simpática; gosto de fazer amizades; Fazer contatos profissionais. Superior em Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Atuando como Gerente Administrativo na Concessionária Yamaha. Motivador na Gestão de Pessoas. Planejamento estratégico e Orçamentário. Atribuições extracurriculares: ** Consultor em RH ** Recrutamento e Seleção de Pessoal ** Auditoria em RH ** Planejamento Estratégico ORganizacional ** Programador 5S